December 19, 2009

This is it! LITERALLY

I have realized i am not a good blogger. 
I don't blog very regularly and I cannot manage this with the busy life i am leading so i have decided to Quit, this blog. 
I know i may seem selfish to most, but i think this is the best decision. 
I have tried hiring new writers to help me manage the blog while i am gone. But no one seems to post. 
I am leaving this blog open for now. But don't be surprised if this name is available in a dew months.
I am sorry to the loyal followers, and my writers. 
But i cannot manage this blog on my own. 
I will try to write every now and again, but because of the life i lead. I hardly go on stardoll.
Once again, I am truly sorry and I hope that you all understand.
A big thank-you to Ebony - Although you haven't created many posts, I know that you have always tried your hardest to find the time to write! You always put thought into your posts and for this i thank you. 
And to Alice - Your patience through out this whole experience has been truly appreciated. Through my ups and my downs. You always supported me. You have also been my longest and most loyal writer! I enjoy reading your posts and I have had many comments that they are enjoyed by all! 

Thanks to everyone who has helped, And i am truly and utterly sorry! 
Katherine9870 xxxx