September 26, 2009

Rush-hour of Clothes!

Yes, as in the post before by Alice, there has been a rushour of Clothes! here is a........

At Number 5:
The Miami Hotbuys Top

HATE THE COLOR!!! Full stop!

Coming down at Number 4:
The Red-carpet Inspired by

I thought these were quite wacky. Some were on my 'To-Have' list and other didn't even get close!
Though I thought that the patterns were Great!

Taking home the Bronze:
The Pretty in Pink hotbuys Tie shoes!

Two words! 'In Love!'. They are sooo cute... If I was
A. Superstar
and B. you could buy multiple pieces of clothing.
My whole suite would be filled with shoes!

At number 2:
The Miss Sixty Collection!

Although It's not the full collection, I love that they are re-released. Again if I was a superstar I would buy the FULL collection! :D...
P.S: The Bubble Dress is the awesomest! :D

And the gold is awarded to....

It came out earlier than expected and it was beautiful! It was more expensive then ever... But nearly everything was sold out Except....

The studded high knee boots X3 (There are more than 900 left!!!)

And The rouched ruffle party dress! (There are loads of these left!)

So get buying....

Clothes, clothes and more clothes!

Stardoll has been releasing many items of clothing recently and I'm obssesed with 'em.
Firstly, the one and only LE shopwas released not long ago, and there's 4 floors! I didn't buy anything, but I wish I could.

Then there's the Hot buys 09 doll and boy are these hot buys lovely! I can't wait to have that Alexander Mcqueen dress! I don't think I can wait.

Lastly Miss Sixty is out, a bit late though! It wasn't worth the wait really plus they're very expensive. Come on stardoll! Lower the prices. Luckily there's the superstar sale on, so I can still buy things! Yay!

That's about it, bye!

September 20, 2009

Stardoll updates

Well, there's been a lot going on around stardoll lately. I'm sure a lot of you can not wait for the new LE season (Katherine made a post of the clothes not long ago). I think the clothes look absoloutly amazing, although I won't be buying it because unlike some people, I don't like to waste money. Haha.

2 new fabolous dresses are out, and they look gorgeus. To be honest, stardolls inproving their taste of clothes! I'm digging the leopard dress. The dresses are paired with a couple of shoes and assecories.

Lastly, the target for 40 million members is here! Stardoll gave out a banner (fortunatly not for 40 stardollars!), some baloons, a cake and items of clothing. Will you be buying them?

Thats all for now, sorry I haven't been writing much, but I've started secondry school, and I'm having a hard time. Ok I won't bore you with excuses so, bye!

September 19, 2009


I had an interview with amy...

here it is... ENJOY :D

LE coming NEXT week!!! Ahhhhhhhh

Yes! this time it is no false alarm. The Limited Edition is coming next week! Here's a sneak peak!
(Have a look in your e-mails you'll have a message from stardoll).

September 17, 2009

HB Leopard Coat

This coat is just amazing.. That only thing is that it is so expensive! And that its not superstar. It is a very nice coat but for that price of $15, I could buy a whole new outfit!

What do you guys think of the new HB coat!?

September 14, 2009

Update (Sorry its long :D)

Update for this week:

Graphic of the Week : This is a little graphic: (you can see more of these graphics here)

P.S - Do you think you have a good graphic? Then why not e-mail Your graphic could be shown here!
(Remember, it has to do with stardoll).

I'm looking forward to your graphics :D

Your Say:

New writer: What do you guys think? I am thinking of hiring yet another writer. Do you think you would be more interested. Or not really?
Comment Below.

Double up- Double up: This is where I show you where there are doubles on stardoll: Here is the first:

This next one is not really a double up: But I think that the Stardoll Platform Bar Shoes Black look very similar to the DKNY shoes have a look. (On the left Stardoll shoes and the Right DKNY shoes).

Creative Awards: This week. There is a new segment. And in this one. I go around suites look for the most creativity! If you think you are creative with your suite like this person below. Then email me.

Yep! There are hackers all over stardoll! And I am here to Alert you!

None this week

We havn't recieved any this week. Here is where you can e-mail if you do find a hacker, and want to report it.
Do you know about a hacker? Or even a scam? (Please not chain-mail!) Then e-mail and tell us!
Please insure who is hacking (you DON'T need to supply your name!) and also what they are doing. (Please try to provide evidence like a screenshot)

September 12, 2009

Look Like... Demi Lavato!

So last time it was Miley Cyrus... With a rock chick look. Now its Demi Lavato! Here it is!


*The black singlet can be any singlet... Sorry!
Its no longer in store, and I did this a few weeks ago and forgot what I used*

New Writers needed!

Yes, you heard right! No! I am not firing Ebony or Alice. (I think that would be mean! Especially for no reason! ). Anyways... Its just that I don't think we all can find the time to post once a day! (I would like us too though). Here are a few guidelines:
Guide Lines:
* You won't have a banner for a few weeks, maybe even a month or two.
I'm sorry but I havn't even come close to making Ebony's! I have been soooo Busy! And I just havn't had time. But that shouldn't stop you from posting or even making your own banner!
* You have to be active.
And have NO excuses what so ever! A while back i had another writer. She had to go off for school! That is no longer an excuse!!!
* You have to post.
Atleast 3-5 times a week! If you arn't doing anything! There is no point in you being a part of this blog!
* And last but not least, no swearing (cursing) or using text talk.
This includes this: wuzzup my ppl! hw r u?
Please don't do this! Also you do have to include pictures in your post. I will also make you a banner (soon i hope :D) and a signaure. Just say you want the job in an email. or just post a comment here.
No trial post needed!! This is a once in a life-time opprtunity!
Thats all:

September 9, 2009


Already the new (and fabulous) Kohls line is out!

I'm enjoying the Abbey Dawn line a lot more this time round, than the Mudd clothes. I think stardoll did an amazing job. I absoloutly love the Candies dresses, because they suite me very much. The patterns are loevly, very trendy. I also love the black Candies bag. Cu-ute!

Also the lovely rainbow hotbuys dress is out! Buy it now and be on trend! :0

September 8, 2009

Difficulties (SORRY). :(

Sorry if you have had difficulties coming onto the blog. It was under-construction this morning.

Also.. . No-one is following or asking to be our friends on bebo, fbook or twitter...

So here are the links (If you couldn't reach us). (You can click on them.)

Twitter: Stardolls Stardollers - Edit Post "Difficulties (SORRY). :("



(You have to be a member of these sites to be able to view our pages).

To all writers:
Don't use your REAL accounts. Create another one using your stardoll name!

September 5, 2009

Makeovers Takeover!

Makeovers Takeover! : I think I will do this weekly.
So, this is going to be a section all about how to make your self into a look that you see around stardoll.
Every week I will find one popular style and try to find out what items they use.
I will show instuctions to make the look onto your medoll.
This first look will be on lilcutie0602. She has a very sleek comfy look on her medoll.

<- This is lilcutie0602 Now this is the list of items that it looks like she is using:
  • Lavender eyeshadow-DOT
  • White collection eyeshadow-DOT
  • Black Volumizing
  • Mole(Beauty Mark)- Splendid
  • Eyelashes that are no longer available to purchase.
  • Bollywood nose ring- Splendid
  • Pink Bow- Splendid

Step #1-
Apply the white shadow twice all over top part of the eyelid.
Step #2-
Apply the lavender shadow twice over half of the eyelid.
Step #3-
Take the white shadow and apply it in a line where the two colors meet, so it will looks like the colors are blended.
Step #4-
Apply the mascara to the eye.
Step #5-
(Optional) Add your choice of eyelashes.
Place the Beauty Mark under the eye.
Place the Bollywood Nose Ring to the right ear.
Place the pink bow into any place on your me-doll's hair( If you have her hair you can place the bow in the spot that she has it in).

When your finish you should have a similar look to her me-doll!
Post pictures in comments on how your medoll looks with that look.
Or tell me in my guestbook!

September 4, 2009

Follow Us! (Be our friends!)

Hi all! Yes sorry, I am STILL creating the NEW banner for Ebony! (My photoshop is lacking and it keeps crashing). So as the post says you can Follow us and be or friends, not just on stardoll and Blogspot. But now on Twitter, Face-book & Bebo. If you want to search for us Our name is :
Either SStardollers (On Twitter). Or an easier alternative .

So thats really all! I am also looking forward to Ebony's Posts!

September 3, 2009

New Hotbu... Oh just read the Post!

Sorry for the BORING title! But I am in a hurry to complete Ebony's Banner! (Ebony: I will send it to you soon).
But there are soo Many NEW things on stardoll.
  • The space themed clothing (Which I find Rather boring).
  • The Michael Jackson Tribute clothing (I would LOVE to buy them but I am not super-star)
  • The Hotbuys Beret (I am loving it at the Moment!)
  • The New Interior (Quite Expensive but VERY spacious)
  • The New Deco's and Accessories Etc.. In the Suite Shop (Themed Purple, Green and Silver).
  • And soo much more!
Here are some Pics of the new things:
*Image Added SOON*

September 2, 2009


Hi,everyone! Its me, pixiegirl342,the new writer! I really happy to be part of this blog! I am kinda new at this so I am still learning the ropes.My next post will be the first official post!

Thanks again!

September 1, 2009


Hi all! I am sooo excited for the Michael Jackson Tribute clothing that has been released! Also about the hotbuys. But thats not as exciting as this news...
Yay!!! her name is pixiegirl342 (Ebony). All I am waiting for her approval to become a writer! (I am sooo excited). Though she may not have a banner for a bit (As I am EXTREMELY busy at the mo).
Anyways.. Thats all I have to say! And I hope with the new arrival of a writer there will be new followers!

HB sunglasses and leggings

Heya guys!

Well, the glamorous HB sunglasses are now officially out, though you can get them for 6 stardollars or 7! Get the 6 ones before they're out!
I found these sunglasses very nice (i love sparkles!) although the shape is a bit strange. The two ends seem to point upwards...

Also, the new HB leggings are out, with an exoctic pattern printed across them. I love the graphics! These are what hotbuys are all about.

What will you be buying?